Violence has major consequences for children. The violence has often drawn attention away from the children and put a singular focus on the relationship between the adults. In many cases, children have not spoken to anyone about the violence they have experienced in their everyday lives. They may struggle to make sense of the violence they have witnessed or experienced first-hand, and imagination takes over where language and life experience leave a gap. That's why we are committed to listening and talking to children. We generally focus on how we can best support and empower children. When a woman with children applies for a stay at Ellested Women's Crisis Center, the children will therefore be in focus, and our services are organized so that both women and children receive relevant help, support and care.

Experience tells us that it is important that you as a parent invite your child to talk about the things they have seen and experienced. Some people think that the child will tell you. This may be the case, but often your child will not say anything directly to you as a parent. There can be a number of reasons for this, including fear of upsetting you, fear of the consequences, and finally, because they can easily feel like it's their fault!


At Ellestedet, we have employed a child educator to specifically look after the children's interests.
The child educator works to give the children peace and security so that they have the opportunity to talk about their experiences and the loss of the people, things, etc. that they have lost.
It is allowed to talk about what the child is afraid of and talk about the insecurity of not knowing the future. It is important to maintain continuity in everyday life despite the difficult situation. At Ellestedet, we work to maintain relationships and attachment to school and daycare, as well as the security of meeting the same person at the shelter every day, which creates calm and energy in the children.


  • Contact person
  • Conversations
  • Psychologist
  • Support for maintaining relationships
  • Educational activities
  • External collaboration - e.g. contact with institutions, schools and other public services
  • Preparing the child for relocation


Mother/parents are offered:

  • Support for socializing and activities
  • Advice and guidance on the child
  • Mother/child conversations


As of July 1, 2008, psychological counseling is offered to children. Psychological counseling is therefore offered to all children at Ellestedet regardless of age.
Psychological counseling is provided in accordance with Section 109 (5) of the Danish Social Services Act, which states that all children, regardless of age, who accompany their mother to a shelter must be offered psychological counseling - to provide help in dealing with the often violent and traumatizing experiences the child has been exposed to,
Psychological counseling must be offered regardless of the duration of the stay and the offer must be initiated during the stay at Ellestedet or immediately afterwards.
The conversations are conducted by a licensed psychologist.
Optimally, the course is run with 1 weekly session, this is prioritized at the start of the course.
The children are offered 4-10 sessions. The mother attends the first session. After this, it is at the psychologist's discretion whether it is still appropriate for the mother to attend or whether the child should have sessions alone.


When children move into Ellestedet, they are given a backpack on behalf of the Mary Foundation.
The backpack contains various items for the child, e.g. a book, teddy bear and water bottle - depending on the child's gender and age.
The Mary Foundation works closely with the LEGO Foundation and LOKK (National Organization of Women's Shelters) on this project.
Contact us

Play therapy with sand helps children and young people with difficult emotions

Children and young people who have been exposed to or witnessed domestic violence may have traumas that they need help to process. At Ellestedet, we have a child psychologist who uses the therapeutic method 'sandplay' when working with children who have had difficult experiences. Sandplay is a free and creative process that can connect the unconscious with the conscious. The premise is that under the right circumstances, the psyche can heal itself.

What is Sandplay?

Sandplay is a therapeutic method based on the idea that the psyche is able to heal itself under certain conditions and frameworks. This makes it possible to process and deal with unresolved emotions and experiences. Sandplay unfolds as a free and creative process where we can connect the unconscious to the conscious. The method was developed in the 1950s by the Swiss Dora Kalff.

Sandplay takes place in a therapeutic room with two sandboxes and lots of small figures. The child/young person can choose whether he/she wants to work in wet or dry sand - or both.

Sandplay is particularly suitable for children because they are met on their
premises and in their universe - in the magic and in the play.

Children and young people often lack words for the feelings and the chaos that fills them up inside. Therefore, we must first and foremost meet the child on their own terms. Based on play and a magical universe, the therapist can help the child find an expression for what is difficult and chaotic inside.

Sandplay is particularly well-suited for working through crisis and trauma responses, as communication takes place via the child's/young person's inner language and at his/her own pace. Through Sandplay, the child/young person's resources and self-worth will be strengthened, and their view of themselves and their world will slowly change. The solutions arise in the adventures and stories the children/young people develop in the sandbox, in collaboration with the therapist.

Sandplay is a therapeutic space where two sandboxes with wet and dry sand and a lot of animals and figures form the framework for the therapy. In a gentle and considerate way, the therapist helps the child find words and solutions to difficult feelings through the adventures and stories that occur in the sandbox.

Many parents find that their child becomes calmer and happier after a sandplay session and better at expressing their feelings.

Example of a Sandplay course:

A start-up meeting is held with the parents without the child/young person, where we discuss the child/young person's resources and challenges, as well as the purpose of the program. The parents talk to their child/young person about starting Sandplay. It is very important that the young people are on board with the idea.

We agree whether the child/young person comes alone to Sandplay or whether the parents are in the room. We plan the Sandplay sessions, which usually take place once a week.

A Sandplay engagement usually lasts 4-6 weeks, depending on need.


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Vi er et midlertidigt hjem. Et kvindekrisecenter for kvinder og børn, der har oplevet vold.


Vi lytter til dig. Sammen finder vi ud af, om et ophold hos os er en god løsning for dig. Vi kan give dig råd og vejledning til, hvad du kan gøre i din situation.

Vi kan hjælpe dig med juridisk bistand, hjælpe dig med at afklare din beskæftigelse, karriere eller udfordringer på jobbet. Vi kan hjælpe dig med samværsordninger eller andet, der kan veje tungt på dine nære relationer.
Telefon - Krisecenter - Sikkerheden, hvordan fungere det, eller fungere det overhovedet? Forestil dig at ankomme til et nyt sted uden noget, ikke engang en telefon til at række ud til dem, du holder af. Dette er virkeligheden for mange af de modige kvinder og børn, der finder vej til Ellested Krisecenter. De har ofte måttet efterlade deres telefoner bag sig for at beskytte sig selv, da deres kommunikationsmidler blev kontrolleret af voldsudøveren.Men du kan hjælpe med at ændre dette.En simpel telefon kan gøre en verden til forskel. Den kan være en livline, en mulighed for at genoprette kontakt med familie og venner, som de ellers har været afskåret fra. Det kan også være det første skridt mod at genopbygge et trygt og kærligt netværk, som er så vigtigt for deres helbredelse og fremtid.Har du en brugt telefon, der bare ligger i skuffen? 📲Vi vil gerne invitere dig til at overveje at donere den til Ellested Krisecenter. En telefon, der kan ringe, kan give en kvinde friheden til at høre en venlig stemme i en svær tid. For et barn kan det betyde at kunne tale med en bedstemor eller en ven, der bringer et smil frem på deres ansigt.Din generøsitet kan være det, der bringer håb og forbindelse til dem, der har mest brug for det. Hver donation, uanset hvor lille, vil have en enorm betydning for disse kvinder og børn.Hvis du er i stand til at hjælpe, kan du kontakte os her eller finde mere information på vores hjemmeside. Vi er dybt taknemmelige for al støtte, vi modtager.Fra bunden af vores hjerter, tak fordi du er med til at gøre en forskel ❤️
Har du nogensinde tænkt på, hvordan en seng kan redde et liv?"Jeg vidste ikke, at et forsorgshjem kunne være en løsning. Jeg kunne trække vejret igen. Al den frygt og usikkerhed, der havde holdt mig vågen om natten, begyndte at lette. For første gang i lang tid følte jeg mig tryg, som om en tung byrde var blevet løftet fra mine skuldre. Da jeg trådte ind ad døren på Ellestedet, mærkede jeg straks lettelsen. Mit nervesystem faldt til ro, og jeg vidste, at jeg endelig var et sted, hvor jeg kunne føle mig sikker."På bare 46 sekunder fortæller hun sin gribende historie - en historie om håb og overlevelse. Et sted at sove kan betyde alt. Det kan redde et liv.Lyt med og hør, hvordan Ellestedet blev hendes redning. Lad dig berøre af hendes ord.#Tryghed #Håb #Ellestedet #RedEtLiv #NyBegyndelse #Forsorgshjem
I dag havde vi besøg af Lone Smidt (A), Vibeke Ejlertsen (A) og Poul Erik Knudsen (A) til vores reception den 13. juni. Vi fremhævede livet på Ellestedet og vigtigheden af vidensdeling for at hjælpe særligt udsatte. Sammen kan vi nå langt 💥Ellestedet er et trygt krisecenter, der hjælper kvinder og børn med at genopbygge deres liv. Vi skaber trygge rammer og basale livsbetingelser som nærvær og sund kost, så kvinderne kan blive ressource-stærke. På @Ellestedet arbejder vi for at genopbygge kvindernes identitet, give dem troen på sig selv tilbage, lære sig selv at kende og respektere egne grænser. Det er en ære og hjertesag for os at støtte kvinderne på denne rejse.Besøget gav os mulighed for at diskutere udfordringer med kommuner, familieretssystemet og psykiatrien. Vi har oplevet problemer som lækage af kvindernes anonymitet – hvad er meningen? Afvisninger fra psykiatrien trods løfter til kvinderne – hvor er støtten? Vanskeligheder med at få børn overflyttet til nye kommuner, selvom mor har fundet modet og styrken til at få et job. Disse udfordringer gør det svært for kvinderne at nå deres mål, og for @Ellestedet at støtte dem effektivt, men vi kæmper videre.For at skabe de bedste forudsætninger for kvindernes ønsker, håb og drømme har vi på Ellestedet: frisør for øget selvtillid, massør for tryghed, Nada for beroligelse, psykolog for klarhed, kok for sund kost, fitness for endorfiner, natur for ro og eksistentialisme, og traumebehandling for forløsning af traumer.Besøget var en respektfuld anerkendelse af vores arbejde og de løsninger, vi tilbyder for at støtte kvinderne i deres rejse mod et liv fyldt med drømme og ambitioner. Vi håber at have belyst nogle af de udfordringer, vi som samfund bør løse. Vi håber vores gæster fik noget at tænke over. Der var koncentration, smil, gode snakke og engagement, der næsten trak en lille tåre. Ægte og autentisk – sådan kommer man længst. Tak for en fin dag 🌸Følg os for mere indsigt i vores arbejde og kvinderne på Ellestedet! #Ellestedet #StærkeKvinder #Vidensdeling #Fællesskab #EllestedKvindekriseCenter


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