WE HAVE SPACES AVAILABLE and pick up all over Denmark



We are a shelter
for women and children

Are you or your children experiencing domestic violence? Are you receiving threats of violence from a current or former partner? Do you need a safe and temporary home that will help you get back on your feet and move on with your life? A temporary home where there is room for you, your children and your pets? Then we at Ellestedet would like to welcome you to our home - we are here to help you.

We offer a care home on Funen

Ellestedet Kvindecenter offers a shelter on Funen, which is a safe and supportive refuge for women and their children and pets who are homeless. This home is designed to help women move out of homelessness and achieve greater independence and security in their lives. The center operates under section 110 of the Danish Social Services Act and is rated for 8 places, offering not only a temporary stay but also comprehensive support to build a better and more stable life. If you want to read more about our shelter, you can read more here.

A crisis center on Funen with something to say

The first - and biggest - step for you as a victim of violence is to reach out for help, and if you're reading this, you're ready to take the first step towards a better, healthier and safer life.

We know that asking for help can be overwhelming, but we're not here to judge you or your situation - on the contrary, we want you to make the choice that's right for you and your children.

To make it as easy for you as possible, we at Ellestedet have created a crisis center on Funen that helps you with all aspects of your life situation. From transportation, space for pets, meals, legal assistance and visitation arrangements if necessary. The most important thing for us is that you feel seen, heard and cared for at Ellestedet. We are not here to make the right decision for you. You have to do that yourself, and we are simply available to you.

A stay at our shelter is not a requirement

At Ellestedet, it is not a requirement that you accept a stay with us in order to receive the necessary support and help. If you contact us, we will have a thorough conversation about your life situation and your needs and options for moving forward in a positive way. Perhaps you have relatives close by who you would prefer to move in with for a period of time? Maybe you just want to hear about your options for yourself and your children? We will listen to you and together we will assess whether a stay with us is the right way to go.

If a stay with us is the best solution, you can read more about what we at Ellestedet offer you and your children below.
Regardless of the nature of the conversation, we are bound by confidentiality for you and your children, so you can rest assured that our conversation is completely confidential.
What does this shelter offer?
In addition to support and guidance, we offer some practical measures to ensure you have the best way into Ellestedet and the best stay.

To ensure this, we offer:


No matter where you are in Denmark, we can come and pick you up at an agreed time and place. and equally, if it's an emergency. We want you to feel safe as soon as possible after you have made the choice to walk, which is why we have 24-hour transportation throughout Denmark.

Possibility to bring a pet

If you have a pet that you want to bring with you, we do everything we can to accommodate this need. We know from experience that bringing a pet with you often plays a big part in the healing process, as it provides a sense of security and familiarity, without the added worry of leaving your pet in an unsafe situation.

Ellestedet is located in beautiful surroundings that allow pets to go outside, but we also need to be considerate of the other residents. We will therefore have a thorough discussion with you and assess whether it is possible to bring your pet with you. If it is not, we are ready with good advice and guidance on what to do with your pet, as we know how vulnerable this situation can be for you.

Full catering

At Ellestedet, we have set mealtimes where all the shelter's residents and associated staff eat together. We believe that continuity is an important part of the healing process, and we also believe that it is important to have a healthy and varied meal a couple of times a day. We always strive to provide organic, fresh and local ingredients that are prepared in our own kitchen - this way both body and mind get something to strengthen themselves. Eating together as a regular part of daily life often creates a safe community where you can mirror each other.E

Private rooms and common areas

Private rooms and common rooms
It can be a big change to suddenly move to a new place with a lot of new faces. At Ellestedet, you will therefore be assigned a private room and you can both participate in the community or withdraw. All our private rooms have their own toilet and shower, and they are large enough to accommodate 2-3 underage children.

In our common rooms, which include a fireplace room or a library, you can participate in the community with the other women and children at the shelter.


A women's center with a focus on tailored approach

At Ellestedet, we focus on building good habits, establishing a good future, implementing physical exercise to rebuild the body, healthy diet and nutrition, regularity and structure, and last but not least, building your network so you have a good foundation to move on with your life in a good way. All of these initiatives are tailored to you and your needs.

A safe women's center

At Ellestedet, your safety is paramount to us, which is why we are a highly secured women's center with the latest surveillance system. Safety is one of the many prerequisites for you to feel comfortable at Ellestedet - it is our most important and most important task. We work closely with a selected security company that ensures quality assurance of our structural and physical environment, so that we keep up with developments.

The safety of Ellestedet's residents is also an integral part of our workflow, and our staff are continuously trained to ensure your safety. To make your time at Ellestedet as safe as possible, we have access control, 24-hour staffing, continuous training of our staff, the option of a personal assault alarm and a saferoom.

Care home for woman

The core purpose of a stay at EKF is to support women in recognizing and utilizing their physical, cognitive and social resources and managing their challenges. The "woman first" vision is emphasized, prioritizing appreciative communication and an individual approach to ensure that each woman receives customized support.

With values such as empowerment, trust, decency and professionalism, daily work is done to help women make informed choices for their future. EKF ensures this through constant staff training and by applying different pedagogical and therapeutic approaches, such as empowerment, Housing First, narrative and resource-oriented approaches.
The women are offered help to create a structured everyday life with social skills and activities, and they are assisted in creating a personalized residence plan that reflects their needs and future goals. The plan can also be used in collaboration with the municipality to formalize support and intervention.
What does this WOMEN'S WELFARE HOME offer?
The staff consists of interdisciplinary trained social workers who provide 24-hour care and interdisciplinary interventions. Emphasis is placed on health, diet and exercise, and the women's medical needs are coordinated with medical partners.

Employment and activities are a central part of everyday life to promote a regular circadian rhythm and help women regain control of their lives. EKF is located close to Odense in Ørbæk, providing a peaceful environment ideal for rebuilding and healing. Any co-payment for the stay is the responsibility of the municipality.


Crisis center for battered women - reach out to us

We have 24-hour staffing and can therefore be available to you every day of the week - around the clock. If you would like a confidential and non-binding conversation with one of our professionals, we are ready to help you. You have the right to a safe and good life.

Our Mission

Our mission at Ellested Kvindekrisecenter and Ellested Kvindeforsorgshjem is to help change the consequences for women and children who are exposed to violence.

To be a preventive offer through knowledge gathering and knowledge development, so that the target group is helped at
the earliest possible stage.



Many women do everything they can to keep their children from seeing or hearing the violence. But children are very good at sensing if something is wrong. Even when they are small. And often they have seen, heard or sensed more than you think. By speaking out against violence, you can help your child.

Staffed around the clock

No one is let in without prior agreement with staff. We cooperate with the police and can help with special security measures if needed. The same applies if you need to remain anonymous.
You and your family are guaranteed confidentiality.
It is important that all women and children at the Women's Crisis Center feel safe during their stay with us, and together with you, we plan your safety.

The room

We have 20 homely decorated rooms with private toilet and shower. The rooms are all of a size that can accommodate 2-3 underage children. We have taken extra care to create a homely feeling in the rooms and especially in the common areas, such as the fireplace room and the library.

Empowering You

During your stay, the focus is on stabilizing you and giving you a meaningful daily life.

Depending on your needs, we focus on different themes (physical training, diet and nutrition, structure and regularity, networks and relationships, future and habits).


Violence can take many forms. Violence can be physical, psychological, stalking, sexual, financial, material and honor-related conflicts.

Many victims of violence are exposed to several forms of violence at the same time. The violent relationship typically develops over time and the violence increases in frequency and severity. An abusive relationship can go on for a long time, often for years, while the violence slowly increases and gets worse.


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Vi er et midlertidigt hjem. Et kvindekrisecenter for kvinder og børn, der har oplevet vold.


Vi lytter til dig. Sammen finder vi ud af, om et ophold hos os er en god løsning for dig. Vi kan give dig råd og vejledning til, hvad du kan gøre i din situation.

Vi kan hjælpe dig med juridisk bistand, hjælpe dig med at afklare din beskæftigelse, karriere eller udfordringer på jobbet. Vi kan hjælpe dig med samværsordninger eller andet, der kan veje tungt på dine nære relationer.
I dag havde vi besøg af Lone Smidt (A), Vibeke Ejlertsen (A) og Poul Erik Knudsen (A) til vores reception den 13. juni. Vi fremhævede livet på Ellestedet og vigtigheden af vidensdeling for at hjælpe særligt udsatte. Sammen kan vi nå langt 💥Ellestedet er et trygt krisecenter, der hjælper kvinder og børn med at genopbygge deres liv. Vi skaber trygge rammer og basale livsbetingelser som nærvær og sund kost, så kvinderne kan blive ressource-stærke. På @Ellestedet arbejder vi for at genopbygge kvindernes identitet, give dem troen på sig selv tilbage, lære sig selv at kende og respektere egne grænser. Det er en ære og hjertesag for os at støtte kvinderne på denne rejse.Besøget gav os mulighed for at diskutere udfordringer med kommuner, familieretssystemet og psykiatrien. Vi har oplevet problemer som lækage af kvindernes anonymitet – hvad er meningen? Afvisninger fra psykiatrien trods løfter til kvinderne – hvor er støtten? Vanskeligheder med at få børn overflyttet til nye kommuner, selvom mor har fundet modet og styrken til at få et job. Disse udfordringer gør det svært for kvinderne at nå deres mål, og for @Ellestedet at støtte dem effektivt, men vi kæmper videre.For at skabe de bedste forudsætninger for kvindernes ønsker, håb og drømme har vi på Ellestedet: frisør for øget selvtillid, massør for tryghed, Nada for beroligelse, psykolog for klarhed, kok for sund kost, fitness for endorfiner, natur for ro og eksistentialisme, og traumebehandling for forløsning af traumer.Besøget var en respektfuld anerkendelse af vores arbejde og de løsninger, vi tilbyder for at støtte kvinderne i deres rejse mod et liv fyldt med drømme og ambitioner. Vi håber at have belyst nogle af de udfordringer, vi som samfund bør løse. Vi håber vores gæster fik noget at tænke over. Der var koncentration, smil, gode snakke og engagement, der næsten trak en lille tåre. Ægte og autentisk – sådan kommer man længst. Tak for en fin dag 🌸Følg os for mere indsigt i vores arbejde og kvinderne på Ellestedet! #Ellestedet #StærkeKvinder #Vidensdeling #Fællesskab #EllestedKvindekriseCenter
I et voldeligt forhold er det ikke kun de fysiske skader, der forårsager den mest langvarige smerte. Økonomisk vold er en skjult form for overgreb, der kan have dybtgående og ødelæggende konsekvenser for dem, der udsættes for det. Men hvad er økonomisk vold, hvordan manifesterer det sig, og hvordan kan Ellestedet hjælpe dig, hvis du er fanget i et mønster af økonomisk kontrol og manipulation? Læs mere på #kvindekrisecenterfyn  #voldmodkvinde #økonomiskvold
Honor-related violence is a dark and complex issue that affects many communities globally. It is a type of violence that is deeply rooted in tradition, culture and social norms and particularly affects women and young girls.Honor-related violence is a broad term that encompasses various forms of abuse and oppression carried out to protect a family's honor and uphold traditional societal norms. It includes:Forced marriagesSocial control in relationships and familiesReproductive journeysEmotional blackmailCentral to this form of violence is the concept of "honor," where the family's reputation is dependent on the behavior and conduct of family members.#Ellestedet #women's shelter #honor related violence #honor related conflicts #honor related violence and control


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