The right to reprimand in Denmark and the fight against violence against children

In Denmark, the right to reprimand was abolished in 1997, meaning that parents or caregivers are no longer allowed to use physical punishment as a method of disciplining children. The change in legislation is an important milestone in the protection of children's rights and welfare, and the abolition of corporal punishment recognizes that domestic violence (whether physical or psychological) can have serious and long-lasting consequences for children and sends a clear message that every child has the right to grow up in a violence-free and loving environment.

A shadow side of the home

While children should grow up in a safe and loving environment, violence against children is unfortunately a deeply worrying and heartbreaking reality that still exists in our society. Physical violence against children is any intentional use of force or violence against a child that results in pain, injury or suffering. It can include anything from pushing, punching and kicking to burns and attempted strangulation. But when we talk about violence against children, it's important to understand that it doesn't just refer to physical abuse. Psychological violence against children is an equally serious form of abuse and can have long-lasting consequences for the children affected.

What is violence against children?

Violence against children includes any form of abuse or neglect that affects a child's physical or mental health and well-being; including physical, psychological, sexual or emotional violence and neglect. Psychological violence against children refers to actions or behaviors by adults or other children that are intended to manipulate, intimidate, control or humiliate the child in a way that damages their self-esteem, confidence and mental health.

Examples of psychological violence against children

It can be more difficult to identify psychological violence against children as it often occurs covertly, without visible physical signs. Here are some examples of psychological violence against children:
Humiliation and ridicule
Constantly humiliating, ridiculing or belittling the child can have serious consequences for their self-esteem and confidence.
Threats of physical or verbal violence if the child does not meet certain requirements can create a constant fear and insecurity in the child.
Preventing the child from having contact with friends, family or other support people.
Ignoring and "cold" treatment
Constant ignoring or negative treatment where the child feels overlooked or unwanted, which can lead to severe emotional trauma.
Guilt, blame and shame
Imposing guilt or shame on your child for their actions or feelings can have serious long-term consequences for their mental health.

Domestic violence and its impact on the child

Children living in a violent home face a range of challenges and consequences that can have a profound impact on their lives. These consequences include psychological stress and anxiety due to the ongoing fear and tension in a violent home. They live in a constant state of alertness, which can have a negative impact on their mental wellbeing. Children who are exposed to domestic violence can also develop low self-esteem as a result of the constant humiliation and threats they face.

In school, children who experience domestic violence may have difficulty concentrating and performing, and the traumatic experiences they have lived through make it challenging for them to participate in class. Some children also develop aggressive behavior as a form of defense mechanism, as they have difficulty managing their emotions and use aggression as a way to protect themselves.

Long-term exposure to domestic violence can lead to the development of mental health disorders such as depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Children may experience nightmares, flashbacks and general psychological distress as a result of the traumatic experiences.
Ellested Kvindekrisecenter works with children who have been exposed to domestic violence and offers professional support and therapy to help them process their trauma and achieve a healthier future.

Breaking the cycle of violence

Breaking the cycle of violence against children is essential to create a safe and healthy environment for future generations. This means first and foremost identifying and reporting the incidents of violence, getting support and help for the traumatized children and helping the families through counselling and therapy.

If you witness or suspect violence against a child, it is important to respond by reporting it and talking to people or organizations working against violence against children. Children who are victims of violence need support and help to get through the trauma, and psychological counseling and therapy can help children. Sometimes the violence is a result of stress or problems within the family, and it is important to try to understand the underlying causes while protecting the child's safety and well-being.

The role of Ellestedet in combating violence against children

Violence against children, including psychological domestic violence, is a serious challenge that requires urgent action. Ellested Women's Crisis Center offers a safe haven where families can find protection and support during a difficult time, and our experienced counselors and therapists are here to help children and the rest of the family work through their trauma.

We believe that children are the future, and we are determined to help break the cycle of violence and create a world where all children can grow up in a safe and loving home.


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We are a temporary home. A women's crisis center for women and children who have experienced violence.

You can contact us - around the clock.

We listen to you. Together we will find out if a stay with us is a good solution for you. We can give you advice and guidance on what you can do in your situation.

We can help you with legal assistance, help you clarify your employment, career or challenges at work. We can help you with visitation arrangements or anything else that may weigh heavily on your close relationships.
I et voldeligt forhold er det ikke kun de fysiske skader, der forårsager den mest langvarige smerte. Økonomisk vold er en skjult form for overgreb, der kan have dybtgående og ødelæggende konsekvenser for dem, der udsættes for det. Men hvad er økonomisk vold, hvordan manifesterer det sig, og hvordan kan Ellestedet hjælpe dig, hvis du er fanget i et mønster af økonomisk kontrol og manipulation? Læs mere på #kvindekrisecenterfyn  #voldmodkvinde #økonomiskvold
Honor-related violence is a dark and complex issue that affects many communities globally. It is a type of violence that is deeply rooted in tradition, culture and social norms and particularly affects women and young girls.Honor-related violence is a broad term that encompasses various forms of abuse and oppression carried out to protect a family's honor and uphold traditional societal norms. It includes:Forced marriagesSocial control in relationships and familiesReproductive journeysEmotional blackmailCentral to this form of violence is the concept of "honor," where the family's reputation is dependent on the behavior and conduct of family members.#Ellestedet #women's shelter #honor related violence #honor related conflicts #honor related violence and control
"Ellestedet has meant everything to me. I have really gotten professional help. I have been protected. My stressed-out body has been given time and peace to calm down. I have been pampered with food and massage, and the staff are there for you night and day. I wish that those who are sitting at home in an abusive marriage dare to take the step to come here"From a woman ❤️#Ellestedet #kvindekrisecenter #liveftervold #kvinder #kvindekrisecenterfyn
Today is Women's Day, and of course we celebrate it at Ellestedet in our own quiet way. Country singer Maj-Britt Nikolajsen from Funen will stop by with her guitar and her warm voice to soften our hearts. The music reminds us how strong we are when we support and help each other in a difficult time #Ellestedet #IWD2024 #InspireInclusion #kvindekrisecenterfyn #supportwomen
Are you a good hairdresser or do you know someone who is? We are looking for a volunteer hairdresser who will come once in a while and trim the locks of the women who stay with us for a longer period of time and who therefore need a little work on the outside to feel better on the inside.  If this is you or someone you know, we would love to hear from you #Ellestedet #hairdresser #women's crisis center #volunteer #contact #kvinderkrisecenterfyn
Our graphic designer has been busy decorating the office corridor with reading material about the spiral of violence, the different forms of violence and what values Ellestedet stands for in our work to empower women to live a life without violence. #Ellestedet #women's crisis center #livudenvold #women
We wave goodbye to another woman and say thank you for being the right place for her to hibernate.Now she has been celebrated with cake and clapped out the door by us and all the other women at Ellestedet. Much stronger and happier than when she arrived #Ellestedet #Thank you #vitakkerdig #kvinderkrisecenterfyn
Last Friday, we went on a journey towards the sun in the heliotropic universe in Module 5 of the program, which is also part of the project of the same name: A natural approach to working with vulnerable people. This time, light was shed on how a positive and constructive ontology and habitus is the necessary driving force that makes it possible to work persistently, caringly and effectively in relational/social work, including with the knowledge and tools that have been in play in the previous modules. We gained insight into our thought streams, negativity bias and how to actively influence the brain to think more positively and constructively. All of this is crucial when working with other people, as well as for the work environment and, of course, your own well-being and development as an employee/person. It was intense, thought-provoking and relevant. We ended and left with the feeling of having opened up something very important, which now needs to be allowed to grow stronger and stronger. We are now looking forward to 6 months of exploring the themes from the 5 modules and slowly integrating it into our work at Ellestedet, for the benefit of our residents.Together with our partner Natur og Eksistens, we will continuously update from this process via SoMe, but if you are more curious about the program and the project it is part of, you are more than welcome to contact us. #Ellestedet #Women's Crisis Center #krisecenterfyn #naturogeksistens


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